Back Inside Herself
Bodies In Dissent
Bodies In Dissent by Ufuoma Essi is an exploration of the body as a central site of remembrance and resistance. The film explores ideas of ‘bodily insurgency’ and using the body as an archive, as a point of return, a position of refusal, a broker between transgenerational life and histories, past, present and future.
Formatted for viewing on a smartphone, DUMP_outthroughthemouth_ borrows its form from image dumps and slideshows. Using a bank of images taken on a camera phone over the past five years, Taal’s work speaks to feelings of being at capacity, fatigue and frustration.
Rhythms of my Silence
Are softness and strength unable to co-exist? Rhythms of my Silence is an exploration and expression of music, colour, dance and poetry. It is reminiscent of memories from Trinidad, through the gaze of Delila, as she navigates through her internal world and the emotions these memories prompt.