A programme of films by Peggy Ahwesh, introduced by Laura Guy
The Bloody Chamber 1

Looking for Mushrooms (Long Version)
A psychedelic, meditative travelogue of rural Mexico, Bruce Conner’s first film shot in colour is a frenetic catalogue of images produced whilst searching for magic mushrooms.

The Colour of Love
Ahwesh subjects an apparently found pornographic film to colouring, optical printing and general fragmentation; the source material threatens to virtually collapse under the beautiful violence of her filmic treatment. What emerges is a portrait at once nostalgic and horrible: the degraded image, locked in symbiotic relation with an image of degradation.

The Star Eaters
Set against a backdrop of Atlantic City’s seedy casinos and dreary off-season hotels, The Star Eaters is a melancholy, non-linear portrait of a woman as she attempts to trace her memories and make sense of her life amidst the faded glamour of the seaside resort. Telling her story in voiceover, the woman drifts through real and remembered relationships that speak to risk-taking and transgression. Ahwesh continues to explore a mix of fictive and documentary styles, with the aim of producing work that she has called ‘narrative-like.’