Sunday 4 August
10:00 – 16:00
On the market at Berwick Quayside.
For the Berwick Bridge 400 celebrations come and say hello, at our market stand on Berwick Quayside! Our handy, portable film library will feature BFMAF curated films related to Berwick’s historic infrastructure and our commission Enceindre by Luke Fowler.
The Burr is a film library of stories made in and around Berwick – exploring its past and present, thinking of the future. Berwick residents & visitors can look through the films and watch them on demand. Have a chat with our staff who’ll show you something that interests you, if you’re not sure!
The library is an ongoing project, year-round it will pop up in community spaces in Berwick and host The Burr of Berwick events.
We hope the library triggers conversations and gets the ideas flowing. Maybe you know something about Berwick that we don’t!
What film would you like to see made / or to make yourself in Berwick? Could your interests, or work fuel a filmmaking discovery?