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Ultramarine: Film Socialisme

22 September 2017

Run Time

113 mins

A symphony in three movements:

Things such as

A Mediterranean cruise. Numerous conversations, in numerous languages, between the passengers, almost all of whom are on holiday…

Our Europe

At night, a sister and her younger brother have summoned their parents to appear before the court of their childhood. The children demand serious explanations of the themes of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.

Our Humanities

Visits to six sites of true or false myths: Egypt, Palestine, Odessa, Greece, Naples and Barcelona.





1 mins

Film Socialisme

The first feature length film Godard shot on video, Film Socialisme moves visually from grainy abstraction to the high drama and colour of overhead seascapes, rendered as beautifully as in any of his celluloid works. A collage of texts, musical phrases and still and moving images (including cameos from Battleship Potemkin), this is a symphony of three parts; the first set on an ocean liner casino cruise, the second confining us to a garage in the South of France, and the third bringing us to Egypt, Palestine, Odessa, Greece, Naples and Barcelona. Godard presents with a complex reflection on the potential of community, leisure and socialism and how these things may or may not produce each other.






102 mins

Primary Contact

Nellie Alston


Nellie Alston