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Anhar Salem

Anhar was born in Jeddah, 1993, and has a multi-ethnic background (Yemeni and Indonesian). She has studied IT at Arab Open University and at Le Fresnoy Studio in France. As an autodidact video artist, her work attempts to explore, document, and open new public and private spaces associated with themes such as everyday life, the body, and social media. Using her camera phone, and often working collaboratively with her subjects/characters, she improvises with new forms of communication that critique video as a medium and explore processes around the marginalisation of people and their images.


The Sleeping Sun Station (2019), Mami, La Moula, (2022)

4 March 2023

Inner and outer space interpolate in this series of films exploring relational dynamics between public and private worlds. Instagram filters, YouTube tutorials, dating apps and a wearable eye tracker become interfaces through which to perceive shifting notions of bodily autonomy in contemporary life.

Run Time

60 mins
More Info