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Part screening, part talk or performance, Propositions provides a discursive setting to dive deep into new cinema. Whether filmmakers expand on their work, demonstrating research and contexts, or curators illuminate new perspectives and complications, Propositions shares discoveries encountered through research and practice.

19 September 2019

Aura Satz presents the UK premiere of her film Preemptive Listening (Part 1: The Fork in the Road) and discusses her wider research on sonic obedience and disobedience through the trope of the siren. Her project proposes a speculative re-imagining of emergency signals—it posits the siren’s loud glissando wail as a conditioned and learned signal, one that can potentially be productively rewired.

Run Time

90 mins
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21 September 2019

Interleaving the archive (Group Action with KK) is a performative lecture by Holly Argent that brings together a spoken semi-fictive narrative, photographic transparents on an overhead projector, a live video-feed projection and a screening of a number of films by Polish artist duo KwieKulik (Przemyslaw Kwiek and Zofia Kulik). Also known as KK, the duo were making work in Warsaw, Poland between 1971–87. Their political and often ephemeral work attempted to expose their situation as artists working under communist rule in the People’s Republic of Poland.

Run Time

71 mins
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20 September 2019

Steffanie Ling (Artistic Director, Images Festival) presents Broken Clocks, a selectrospective of Vancouver-based artist Kasper Feyrer’s 16mm films originally shown as installations. By filming their sculptures as props, and the gallery installation as set, each exhibition seeps into the next, creating the causes and conditions for the next film to germinate. Feyrer’s use of ‘practical film effects’—such as physical objects and non-digital special effects made for the verisimilitude of the camera—fashion a world of techniques and materials designed to mirror our own without the pretext of permanence.

Q&A with filmmaker Kasper Feyrer

Co-presented with Images Festival

Run Time

56 mins
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22 September 2019

This screening and conversation, programmed by Rabz Lansiquot, pairs dancer Zinzi Minott’s durational film works Fi Dem (2018) and Fi Dem II (2019) with Judah Attille’s Sankofa Film & Video Collective-produced Dreaming Rivers (1988) to consider lineages of Black British experimental film.

Q&A with Zinzi Minott

This programme is supported by the Independent Cinema Office as part of a forthcoming project with LUX celebrating films made in and around the Black British film workshops of the 1980s

Run Time

83 mins
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